Close to 200 businesses are expected to attend the official launch of the Invest Capricorn Coast Region Economic Development Plan being held tonight at The Hub, jointly hosted with Capricorn Enterprise.
After the document was endorsed by Council last month, Livingstone Shire Council developed the plan which outlines key actions that Council and key stakeholders will undertake to grow existing businesses and support new investment opportunities across the region.
Mayor Bill Ludwig said the key aim of the plan is to provide a roadmap that links key elements together with detailed strategic initiatives and supporting activities that, in conjunction with enabling projects, will facilitate future economic growth.
“Council’s goal is to create a diverse, strong, innovative and sustainable local and regional economy that will provide local employment and business opportunities for current and future generations,” Mayor Ludwig said.
“While Council has a critical role to play as both a ‘champion‘ and facilitator of economic growth, the successful delivery of a plan of this scope and magnitude can only be achieved in partnership, and with collective input from every business and industry sector. These sectors must include local business, tourism, service delivery, construction, primary production and resource industries.
“I must acknowledge Lucid Economics who assisted in the development of the draft plan as well as key government agencies, industry, local business stakeholders and community who were consulted as part of the process.
“This plan provides an exciting snapshot of our region’s potential now and into the future and by playing a pro-active role in driving economic growth through well-targeted major project delivery, Council has forged strategic partnerships with the Queensland and Australian governments and leveraged major grants and funding commitments totalling more than $130 million in the past four years.
“Championing and facilitating growth and investment opportunities in turn supports and enhances overall well-being in the broader community and long term sustainability.”
“I encourage you to view the Invest Capricorn Coast Region Economic Development Plan online at